Support Small Businesses

This day in age, it's so overwhelming to go to your favorite search engine and look for suggestions or recommendations without being bombarded with endless search results; some legit and some that are definitely questionable!  As a young mom, I was very overwhelmed with becoming a parent and not having much of a support system nearby.  While it was very isolating and lonely at times, I decided to channel my energy into building my own family support system and I'm so proud of the loves that have become my family!  We support one another and build each other up any way that we can!  (Life is too short: spend your time sharing your gifts and love with others!  It only takes a moment to pay someone a compliment or ask them a questions; who knows what lasting impact that one comment or question could have on someone!)

This page I am dedicating to small business owners that have impacted my life (some in more ways than I can ever identify or share!) simply to share what one average mom supports in her world!  Please consider checking these other businesses out and showing them some extra love and support!

My Side Businesses

Young Living Essential Oils

My referral link:

My website:

I have been part of the Young Living family since 2018 and it's changed how I view my own health as well as that of my children.  This amazing company supports the chemical-free lifestyle and has countless essential oils, individual and blends, that are safe for any age (including infants!) as well as a line of Vitality oils which have been approved for consumption!  You can also find so many incredible supplements for any and all health concerns and most importantly, supporting your gut health in the best ways possible!  There is also an incredible line of Thieves products that is well known for incredible cleaning powers and that I use regularly!  You'll also find a wide range of other products to support a chemical-free lifestyle!  Please feel free to reach out to ask me any questions about my oily journey!


Ketones naturally exist in the body and are created as a normal process of fat metabolism. Keto-OS simply provides these ketones from an exogenous source, but they have the same beneficial impact. (However, if you suffer from any medical conditions, it is always recommended to consult your physician prior to starting any new nutritional supplement.) Supplementing with exogenous ketones allows you to experience ketosis – the benefits of elevated blood ketone levels, without having to follow such a restrictive ketogenic diet, or super low carb diet, which is often difficult for some people to adhere to. Optimize your human potential.


Keto-OS stands for “ketone operating system”. It is the First Therapeutic Ketone Supplement on the market. Its’ proprietary blend is owned by Prüvit and is Dr. Approved, Lab Tested, University backed. The technology in Keto-OS is patent-protected, and developed by one of the most world-renowned doctors and experts on Ketosis. Prüvit was the first company approved by the University of South Florida to acquire the sublicense rights to use this patent-pending technology. It is a powder that you mix with 8=10 oz. of water. Within 15-30 minutes it puts your body into Ketosis. Prüvit owns the worldwide rights to Keto-OS. Keto-OS has a certificate of analysis for purity, consistency, and efficacy.

I just joined the Pruvit family because it has been helping me to support my improving metabolism on my weight loss journey, it has helped me to feel more alert and less "brain foggy" than usual, and it has encouraged me to drink more water because there are so many yummy flavors! 


Ideal You
This program is designed to improve your relationship with food and your body to help lose weight and re-kickstart your metabolism to make your body do what it was originally designed to do!  In general, most of the foods that people eat today are filled with so much "filler" stuff and minimal nutrition that it's so challenging to maintain a healthy relationship with food.  I began my journey on Thanksgiving Day 2022 by loading up on the healthier fats and plan-specific supplements.  I have completely changed my relationship with food and now I consciously think about what I'm putting into my body and why! (Keep in mind, I'm the kind of gal who has tried just about every diet and weight loss program out there, some multiple times, and nothing has ever stuck...which is why I am loving this program!)  I have been faithfully working with my personal coach (one-on-one) to check in regularly and talk about what's working and not working.  It has been the game-changing component for me to have someone to face weekly to hold me accountable for my progress.  I'm loving this journey and it has inspired my cooking page and I'm so thankful for this new outlook on food and weight loss!


Tell your consultant I sent you and we BOTH get $200. Refer your own friend and you'll both get $200 too!



Choi Kwang Do

Choi Kwang Do has been a part of our lives since my oldest was 4 years old: he attended a fieldtrip with his preschool class and fell in love!  Now, 5 years later he is almost at a rank of a first degree black belt!  I'm so proud of his hard work and dedication to his work and fine tuning his skills.  A year ago, I decided to join the ranks by becoming an official member of the Choi Kwang Do family and am proudly working on my own rank advancement (next test is for Gold senior)!

Choi Kwang Do is the Korean version of Tae Kwan Do that was created by Grand Master Choi in 1987 (and we've had the honor of doing a virtual training session with him!).  He is an active participant and is still training daily and modifying the curriculum: what an inspiration!!  Choi Kwang Do is an art of self defense where you learn a variety of defense and offensive moves as well as drills and patterns to increase fluidity and flexibility as well as increasing ones confidence!

We train at Ayerst Choi Kwang Do nearby us and all of the instructors are part of my family!  We have spent a lot of time together and have shared some incredible experiences together and learned so much!


Ayerst Choi Kwang Do

Contact information:


24404 Catherine Industrial Dr., Suite 306, Novi, MI 48375

Muna's Delights

IG @ monahasan1214

All gluten free!

*Specially made so that individuals with any sorts of restrictions are able to still enjoy delicious treats!

(No refined sugar, no eggs, no white flour)



*Happy chewy regular cookie

*Nutty fruit energy cookie

*Date bites

*Dark chocolate delights

*Cream cheese Roll (vegan option)

Suggest a small business to support and you may be featured here!